Robby's Reading Corner

Lesson Plans and Activities

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Ruby the Copycat



This is a lesson plan a teacher uses with her ESL students.



Activities include discussion questions and writing. TeacherViews

Book Test CyberSpaces

Book Test Join the acceleratedreading Yahoo Group to access the test under Files/Charlotte's Archive.

Lesson Plan using the guided reading technique. Deb Smith

Lesson Plan with vocabulary, open-ended questions, and activities. KYReads



Officer Buckle and Gloria



Activity Sheet


 reviews and activities


activity to teach character, plot, and setting of a story



Activities include writing and discussing safety. TeacherViews

Activities include creating a safety poster. Scholastic

Activity Cards for considering causes and using the imperative form, safety, and meeting the author. University of Virginia Curry School of Education

Activity Sheet for before, during, and after reading. First Book

Book Test Join the accelerated reading Yahoo Group to access the test under Files/Charlotte's Archive.

Classroom Connections includes activities and web links. Annette Lamb

Crossword Puzzle Houghton Mifflin

Integrated Literature Unit with curricular connections. University of North Carolina

Lesson Plan about safety. TeacherViews

Lesson Plan promoting safety. SuccessLink

Lesson Plan using the guided reading technique. Deb Smith

Lesson Plan with vocabulary, open-ended questions, and activities. KYReads

Literature Unit features a discussion guide and extension activity. Scholastic

Study Guide includes pre-reading, during reading, and post reading activities. Weston Woods



10 minutes till bedtime


Online activities




Good Night, Gorilla